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Blogging from Buenos Aires

27 October 2008

Hello Folks!

Sorry for not having been able to contribute to this blog till now, but we are about to meet in Athens and I am looking forward to it!

I am sure we will be discussing interesting topics at the panel and that all our experiences from different countries will help us to develop more and better work back home.

I wanted to present one blog I’ve been managing lately: Latinoamérica por la Transparencia (only Spanish!). It was built as a “making of” for TILAC’s Regional Programme on Anti-Corruption Conventions. This time we used the traditional way of “journey diary” to tell the readers what was going with the project in the countries we were visiting. I´ll be talking about it a little bit on our panel.

And… here is a personal note… on Wednesday my colleague and I won an award for Plaza Pública the Blog we manage at Clarín newspaper. It is a two-year old blog on citizen participation. Although now a days it is not very active, we are very proud of the prize because this means that citizen activism is gaining a place in the cyber space!

See you in Athens!