Posts Tagged ‘ideas’

Start using social media

12 September 2008

With this blog, we will start gathering innovative and inspiring ideas around how social media and intelligent use of information technology can be used to make the fight against corruption more effective and sustainable.

Trying to gather ideas that have been put in place and that are employed around the world will allow us promote best practice, and synthesize new ideas and approaches with this blog. Finally, a workshop at the 13th International Anti-Corruption Conference in November will bring together anti-corruption activists together to see how social media can change how corruption is fought, and make our efforts more sustainable.

Naturally, many of the examples will not only be valuable for the anti-corruption community, but also for all the other areas where all our engagement is needed to make the world a fairer and better place. But many of the current anti-corruption initiatives are very high-level, addressing issues such as national legislation and international conventions. To be effective, everyone needs to be part of the solution. The involvement of people directly affected by corruption, but also engagement and conversations with all parties including the private sector are still rare.

Your input is very much welcomed and needed. Suggest initiatives that we haven’t covered, comment on projects that are mentioned. We will bring them and your comments to the workshop at the conference.

Hopefully, this blog will serve as a starting point for conversations, ideas, initiatives and projects. Let’s get started.